Monday, February 21, 2011

Blog post 6

Looking at the two cathedrals Cologne and Amiens I instantly noticed differences between the two cathedrals.  The exterior statues had more detail on cologne than at Amiens, along with the flying buttresses having a massive amount of more detail.  Following the same overall design and build the cathedrals both have distinctions about them that make them indistinct.  The cathedral at Cologne has two towers that scrap the sky with its black peaks.  The cathedral at Amiens with its two bell towers and over arching front that dominates the terrain like a gigantic oak towering above a field of grass.  Buildings are indeed a map, a map to heaven with their lofty design and large open halls that carry sound ever so easily. 

1 comment:

  1. Watch for spelling errors. Expand more on the reasoning behind the designs in relation to their cultural differences.
